1. Steps to Reconcile Transactions
    1. Access the Reconciliation Dashboard
    2. Confirm Statement Total
    3. Confirm Card Totals
    4. Identify Outstanding, Unapproved Expenses
    5. Add Unreported or Deleted Expenses to a Report
  2. Process and Edit Reports
  3. Prepare Accrual
  4. FAQ
    1. Who can access the Reconciliation tab?
    2. Who can view and process company card transactions?
    3. What do I do if company card expenses are missing?

Reconcile Company Card Expenses

This guide explains how to reconcile corporate card transactions imported into Expensify using the reconciliation dashboard feature.

Steps to Reconcile Transactions

Access the Reconciliation Dashboard

  1. Hover over Settings and click Domains.
  2. Select the desired domain.
  3. Click the Reconciliation tab near the top of the page.
  4. Enter the statement dates and click Run.

Confirm Statement Total

To verify the total transactions imported into Expensify match your credit card statement:

  1. Review the Imported Total, which shows the sum of all imported expenses for the selected statement period.
    • This total should match the amount on your credit card statement.
  2. If there’s a discrepancy:
    • Refresh the feed to import missing expenses:
      • Click Update All Cards for commercial card feeds.
      • For other feeds, click the blue cog icon next to individual cards and select Update.
    • After updating, click Run to recalculate the totals.

Confirm Card Totals

If the totals on the credit card statement and the Reconciliation dashboard still don’t match, follow these steps:

  1. Sort the cards by clicking the column heading for Card Name/Number, Assignee, or Total.
  2. Compare each card’s total to the credit card statement to find discrepancies.
  3. Click the Total amount for a card to view its imported expenses. Check for:
    • Missing transactions.
    • Unassigned cards (all cards must be assigned to cardholders).
  4. If discrepancies persist, contact concierge@expensify.com with details of the missing expenses:
    • Cardholder email
    • Expense date
    • Expense amount

Identify Outstanding, Unapproved Expenses

Use the Unapproved Total and Approved Total columns to locate expenses that haven’t been approved or exported:

  1. Click the Unapproved Total heading to sort cards by those with outstanding expenses.
  2. Click the Unapproved amount for a card to view expenses in the Unreported, Open, Processing, or Deleted states.

Note: You must be both a Domain Admin and Workspace Admin to access expenses.

Add Unreported or Deleted Expenses to a Report

  1. Filter the expenses to display only Unreported or Deleted expenses.
  2. Select all relevant expenses and click Add to a Report > Auto Report.
  3. If an open report exists in the cardholder’s account, the expenses will be added to it. Otherwise, a new report will be created.

Process and Edit Reports

Workspace Admins can do the following via the Reconciliation Dashboard:

  • Code (categorize or tag expenses, add receipts or comments) expenses.
  • Submit Open reports.
  • Approve Processing reports.
  • All changes made by admins are tracked in the Report History and Comments section at the bottom of each report.
  • You can remind members to submit or approve reports via Report History, which sends email notifications to users.

Prepare Accrual

To close your books for the month with unapproved expenses:

  1. Match the Imported Total to the statement amount.
  2. Match the Approved Total to the Company Card Liability account in your accounting system.
  3. Use the Unapproved Total as the accrual amount if the above totals are correct.


Who can access the Reconciliation tab?

Only Domain Admins can access the Reconciliation tool.

Who can view and process company card transactions?

  • Domain Admins can view all company card transactions, including unreported ones, via the Reconciliation tool.
  • Workspace Admins can only view reported expenses in a workspace. If they lack domain access, they cannot see transactions that haven’t been added to a report.

What do I do if company card expenses are missing?

  1. Use the Reconciliation tool to locate the missing expense:
    • Select the date range for the expense.
    • View the specific card to check the data.
  2. If the expense isn’t listed, click Update next to the card under the Card List tab to pull in missing transactions.
  3. If the expense still doesn’t appear, contact Concierge with these details:
    • Merchant name
    • Date
    • Amount
    • Last four digits of the card number

Note: Only posted transactions will be imported.

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